Allergies and seizures – What causes what 

Do you know if allergens can be a seizure risk in dogs? Find out more about what might trigger seizures.

A seizure is probably one of the most terrifying things a pet owner can witness. Have you ever had this happen and found yourself wondering what could have caused it? Can allergies cause seizures in dogs?

It is extremely rare for an allergy to cause a seizure in a dog, but this can happen. There are other, more common symptoms that usually occur. However, if your dog has been exposed to an allergen, it could have a seizure. If your dog suffers from seizures, check whether allergies could be a potential trigger.

Can Allergies Cause Seizures?

It is possible for an allergy to cause a seizure. An allergy occurs when your dog’s immune system is extremely sensitive. It often responds with extreme reactions to certain things it comes into contact with. Normally, this will not result in a seizure. It will cause itchiness, infections, swellings, and other issues.

However, an allergy could hypothetically provoke a seizure if the response is severe enough. More research is needed to fully understand the link between the two, but they certainly do seem to be one.

Even things like elevated stress levels can be enough to trigger a seizure in some dogs. It, therefore, makes sense that a substance that causes an extreme immune reaction may also trigger a seizure. That means a pet with allergies could be more vulnerable to seizures than a dog with no allergies.

If you are concerned about your dog and its vulnerability to seizures, talk to a vet. They should be able to advise you on how to identify seizures and what to do if your dog has one. Being prepared should make you feel more secure. It should also help you to work out if your dog has actually had a seizure.

Can Food Allergies Cause A Seizure?

It is quite unlikely that dog food will cause a seizure, even if your dog is allergic to something in the food. Your dog is more likely to experience other symptoms. These could include itchiness, lethargy, sneezing, coughing, and more. It would be unusual for your dog to have a seizure in response, but not impossible.

If you are worried that your dog is allergic to certain foods, you should talk to your vet. Spend some time determining what your dog might be allergic to. This could be expensive, but it is usually worth the upfront investment. This will help you to avoid these allergens in the future, which could save you expensive vet fees.

Do not feed your dog food if you think it may be allergic to it, regardless of the seizure risk. It could make your dog very sick and set off other reactions.

Can Mold Allergies Cause Seizures?

Although there is limited scientific evidence, some people think that mould could trigger seizures. Black mould can cause neurological issues in both dogs and humans. Because it affects the brain, it could cause a seizure.

You should not let your dog investigate mouldy foods or spend time in mouldy areas. Dogs are often interested in this sort of thing, but it is dangerous for them. If your dog sniffs mould, it may inhale dangerous spores. Keep your dog’s living area clean, and make sure you regularly clean the toys it chews.

This is particularly important for toys that have holes in and that are played with within the water. If water gets into the toy, it will create black mould inside that could harm your dog. There are many other issues that can also be triggered by mould.

Can Seizures Be Seasonal?

Seizures in dogs can be seasonal, but this is usually more related to the weather than to the season. Extreme heat could trigger a seizure. If your pet gets too hot in the summer, it is more likely to have a seizure than if it is cool. You should be aware of this, especially if your pet is prone to seizures.

If your dog has suffered from seizures before, be very careful about walking it when the weather is hot. Walk it early in the day or late at night to let temperatures drop. Make sure you always have plenty of water available for it. If your dog is panting heavily, stop walking and find it some shade.

Seizures are not likely to be triggered by seasonal changes besides heat. Rain, thunder, and cold weather should not have any effect on your dog. You don’t need to be concerned about these changes.

Can Histamine Intolerance Cause Seizures?

There is currently limited study on the effect of histamines and histamine intolerance on seizures. However, it is thought that low levels of histamines could cause a seizure or convulsions in some animals. This could include dogs. It is therefore unlikely that high levels of histamines or histamine intolerance would cause seizure symptoms.

Histamines are anticonvulsive neurotransmitters. It is unlikely that your dog will be intolerant of them. It is also unlikely that any intolerance would cause a seizure. However, if you are concerned, discuss this issue with a vet.

Your dog is more likely to suffer from seizures if it mistakenly consumes some antihistamines. These could reduce the level of histamines in the body, prompting a seizure. It is crucial to keep medications away from your dog, in a sealed container.

Do not let your dog consume any human medications.

If your dog has an allergic reaction to something, don’t give it antihistamines in response. Talk to a vet about the best solution to allergic reactions. Take steps to minimize your dog’s risk of coming into contact with an allergen, and don’t leave antihistamines within reach.

Can An Ear Infection Cause Seizures In Dogs?

It is unlikely that an ear infection will trigger a seizure in your dog, but it can cause seizure-like symptoms. Some people also think that an ear infection could cause a real seizure. If your dog seems to have an infection, it is important to see a vet as soon as possible.

A dog that has a severe ear infection may shake its head from side to side and struggle to balance. The ear has a surprising amount to do with your ability to balance. If your dog has an infection, it may struggle to stay on its feet. It might wobble and tip from side to side.

Additionally, if your dog has an ear infection, it is more likely to get a fever. This might be able to trigger a seizure or seizure-like symptoms in some dogs.

Dog Ear Infection Spread To Brain

It is rare for an ear infection to be so severe that it spreads to the dog’s brain. However, this can occur in some cases. If it does, it could affect the part of the brain responsible for regulating heart rate and breathing.

Serious ear infections can have a long term impact on the dog’s brain. They may affect the dog’s sense of balance and could also cause deafness. They are unlikely to have an impact upon how frequently your dog has seizures, however. You will probably notice that an infection is severe if your dog keeps tilting its head to one side. It may also walk in circles.

Again, a severe ear infection means that you need to visit a vet as soon as possible. If your dog is in pain, has some discharge or a strange smell around the ear, or is constantly shaking its head, book an appointment. Do not wait for the infection to spread and cause issues in your pet’s brain.


Allergies are quite unlikely to prompt seizures in a dog, even if they are severe allergies. However, they can affect the brain in certain situations. You should always keep your dog away from known allergens and contact a vet if you have concerns.

Be aware of what your dog is eating, environmental hazards like mould, and any infections that could hurt your dog.


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