How Long Does It Take for A Food Allergy to Show Up After Eating?

As a vet, I know having an allergic dog with a sensitive stomach makes you more careful, but exactly how for a dog with a food allergy, how long after eating will the symptoms show up?

Food allergy is common in dogs and you can notice it when you introduce new food. It also happens in other pets and even in humans at any age.

The level of an allergic reaction can be mild to severe depending on the dog’s immune system.

Studies reveal that it takes between 6 to 24 hours for allergies to show up in dogs. This appears on the skin and is more visible in a dog with short hair. The allergic reaction produces itchy red bumps that cause a lot of irritation. If your dog hasn’t shown any reaction within 6 days, it probably not going to.

The allergic reaction to a certain triggering substance is called anaphylaxis. It is a condition that is life-threatening and dogs react differently to allergies. It can cause distress and even body weakness.

Of course, different substances can cause allergy in dogs, and one of the main causes of allergy in dogs are foods that are rich in proteins. These foods can include beef, chicken eggs, gluten from wheat, and dairy products among other foods.

When a dog is used to a certain food such as foods rich in proteins as I have mentioned, changing the food may cause allergies. This is called gastrointestinal food allergies.

How long after eating will dog food allergy give symptoms

As I have already mentioned, it takes up to 24 hours for the allergy symptoms to show up in dogs. In some cases, it happens immediately after the dog feeds on the new food. This as mentioned also depends on the strength of the dogs’ immunity and age.

The symptoms that you are likely to see can vary from one dog to another. Generally, most dogs would experience itching and irritation of the skin, vomiting, sudden diarrhoea, seizures, signs of shock, noisy breathing, and excessive drooling among other symptoms.

How long does an allergic (food) reaction last in dogs?

It takes about 6 to 8 weeks for the reactions to clear. In some cases, it may go even for as long as 12 months. The gastrointestinal allergies using the trial diet for two weeks. This is according to Veterinarian Dr Fatcheric.

When should you change your dog’s food?

As the puppy grows into an adult dog, you may need to change the food. This is because while feeding a puppy, you use only specific types of soft food. Of course, you don’t just transition from one food to another quickly without training the dog to adapt gradually.

It is also important to note that a dog is good at eating the same food all the time. The problem sets in when you start trying new foods or changing from one food to another. Therefore, if you want to change the food, do it gradually.

Reasons to change your dogs’ food

One of the reasons you should change your dog food is due to allergic reactions. Some foods may not go well with your dog. After feeding your dog with specific food and you realize it doesn’t go well, then it is good to change. This is because some dogs may develop allergies to certain ingredients.

When a dog reacts to specific foods by portraying allergic signs, you need to change and adopt a limited ingredient diet. The other factors that necessitate the need for food change include the following:


I have mentioned that, as puppies grow, food also needs to change. Food for younger dogs have higher calories. This is because puppies grow faster and high calories help to compensate for that growth.

Senior dog foods have fewer calories compared to younger dogs. This is because, at this age, the dog is less active and may only need a few calories and rich minerals for joints.

Weight problems

When the dog starts to become overweight, that is a red sign and you need to change the diet. It is important to note that obesity also affects dogs. According to veterinarians, feeding the dog with wet food is a solution since the dog will get full faster. This with time will reduce obesity or overweight in dogs.

Similarly, if a dog starts losing weight, perhaps it is time to change its diet. This can be a solution if there is no other underlying condition.


Dogs may get bored eating the same food every day. Just like you can, the same food is boring when there is no change. Some breeds of dogs are even selective when it comes to food while others can eat anything served to them.

Therefore, when a dog gets bored with food, that is a sign that you need to change. A dog can be hungry and bored and hence can just stare at food without eating. This shows how bored the dog is with that specific food.

Stomach upset

Vomiting or diarrhoea can be a sign of a prolonged diet. When you feed to dog the same food continuously for days, at some point it may lead to indigestion resulting in the signs that I have mentioned.

In this situation, first, it is important to understand what is causing the issue, and whether the food is safe or not. If there is a need for change, then you should implement it slowly to avoid aggravating the problem.

Symptoms of changing dog food too quickly 

When it comes to changing dog food, as I have mentioned, you need to do it gradually or slowly. This is to give the dogs’ system time to adjust to the new food accordingly. According to veterinarians, these changes should take between 5 to 7 days.

Therefore, when changing diet, you should follow the diet transition schedule. In this schedule, on the first day, you need to feed the new food in ¼ proportions, on the third day in ½ the proportion, on the fifth day in ¾ the proportion, and on the seventh day 100% new diet.

Changing the food quickly may, therefore, result in diarrhoea. This is the most common sign when a dog’s stomach suddenly reacts to new food. When this happens, the stomach begins to secret water into the intestines hence diarrhoea. Symptoms of changing food may be classified into:

Skin conditions

When you change the dog food too quickly, an allergic dog may react to the food leading to skin conditions. These include skin inflammation, itching, and hair loss. This largely depends on the breed of the dog, sensitivity to the new food, and general immune system.

Gastrointestinal signs

This is the most common symptom in most dogs. It includes diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, and changes in appetite.

These are other symptoms that you may see in different dogs in reaction to new food. These include sneezing, itchy or runny eyes, hives, and swelling of body parts.

Why do dogs get sick when you change their food?

Changing a dog’s food may cause the dog to get sick. This is because the dog may not be well acclimatized to the food. It is also important to note that some dogs are allergic to certain foods while others have sensitive stomachs. That means, it is not the food that is bad but the reaction of the body towards the new food.

Therefore, after changing food, you may notice some changes in the dogs’ feelings. This may be accompanied by diarrhoea or vomiting that may last for a while.

The most common reason why most dogs get sick when you change their food is largely dependent on the immunity system.

In this case, the body may react to a new food as a foreign substance in the body, and in this process, the stomach secretes a lot of water into the intestines hence signs of diarrhoea and vomiting happen.

Switching dog food without mixing (I ran out too soon)

I did mention that changing dog food should be done gradually. This is according to dog experts and veterinarians. In this process, when introducing a new food, you need to mix it with the normal food in small proportions as you increase gradually.

On the first day, for instance, you can serve 25% of the new food, and 75% of the usual food. On the third day, you can serve 50% of the new food and 50% of the usual food. On the fifth day, you can serve 75% of the new food, and 25% of the usual food. And on the seventh day, you can serve 100% of the new food. The table below makes it even clearer.

DayNew foodUsual food

From the above table, you can see that the new food is introduced in small amounts and then mixed with large amounts of the usual food. That is the order to ensure that your dog does not show allergic reactions to the new food.

Sometimes you may run out of the old food and be left with no option but to switch totally to new food. This, as I have mentioned may bring problems to your allergic dog. Of course, some dogs are non-allergic and may not react to new food.

Therefore, it is important to mix new food and old food in gradual proportions as highlighted above.

How long does it take for a (non-allergic) dog to react to a new food?

When a dog is fed new food, it may take a while to respond to the new food. For allergic dogs, it takes as early as immediately. Normally, it can take between 6 and 24 hours for the allergic signs to show.

For non-allergic dogs, it can take a longer time to react to the new food than for the allergic ones. This also may be different from one breed to another.

How long will a dog be sick after switching food?

Introducing new food can make your dog sick. Most dogs adjust to the new food faster and it should take about 2 to 3 days for the dog to adjust. That means, that while diarrhoea and vomiting are part of the sickness, it should not last for more than 3 or 4 days.

When the dog becomes sick for longer than 4 days, then it is an indication that you should see a vet doctor. You don’t need to confuse this with how long an allergic reaction can last in dogs.

The latter means the length of time the dog will have allergies to the same food. But for sickness, this is the period when the dog is severely affected and shows signs of sickness.


To sum up, food allergies are common in dogs regardless of breed. While others are sensitive to the new food, some are not affected much. The age of the dog also matters when it comes to reacting to new food.

In that regard, it takes about 6 to 24 hours for the allergic reaction to show up in dogs. In some instances, the allergic reactions show up instantly depending on the dogs’ immunity.

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