If your dog is super itchy, you might be wondering what is causing it and how to help. Find out here!
It’s a situation all dog owners will be familiar with. Your dog suddenly starts scratching frantically, endlessly, and you don’t know why. It’s a frustrating position to be in, so let’s try and find out what’s going on.
Fleas are the biggest cause of dogs suddenly being itchy. These biting insects irritate your pet’s skin and constantly attack it. However, there are plenty of other things that can cause itching. Your dog might have allergies or skin problems. Fungal and bacterial infections can also cause scratching and itchiness. You will need to identify the cause so you can take action.
In this article, I am going to explore what could be making your dog itchy. This will help you to resolve the issue and help your canine friend feel better. Let’s get started!
Why Is My Dog Itching All Of A Sudden?
There are many things that could cause your dog to suddenly start itching. As mentioned, the commonest cause is fleas, which will cause a flurry of scratching. These nasty, biting insects will drink your dog’s blood. They can also cause an allergic reaction in some dogs.
Itching can also be caused by allergies to food or the environment. Just like people, dogs can be allergic to all sorts of things. Where people tend to sneeze and sniffle, dogs generally start to feel itchy. They will scratch to try to relieve the sensation. You may also see your dog shaking its head, rubbing against furniture, or chewing its fur.
Sudden itchiness is often prompted by an environmental change, like new washing powder, a different food, etc. If your dog seems uncomfortable, think about what you have changed recently. This may have prompted the itching.
Itching could also indicate that you are washing your dog too much or too little. If you wash the protective oils out of its coat too often, its skin may get dry and sore. If you don’t wash it often enough, its pores will get clogged and dirt may cause infections on the skin. Balancing this can be tricky, but it needs to be done.
Dog With Itchy Chin And Face
Have you ever noticed that your dog mostly seems to scratch at its face and neck? Why do dogs scratch under their chin? If your dog is very focused on this area, it’s possible that its collar or harness is irritating its skin.
You should check whether there is any sign of an injury there, and try a softer collar.
If your dog’s face is itchy, check it for injuries. The commonest issues are pests and allergies, but your dog could also have a dental problem, an ear infection, an eye issue, or an injury. Inspect its ears, eyes, nose, and mouth for swelling and redness. Rubbing and scratching at the face implies something is wrong.
If your dog does seem to have an issue with any of the above areas, you will need to take it to a vet. All of them can cause itchiness and discomfort, and will likely need to be treated with medication. Don’t assume that they will clear up on their own – particularly infections. These might require antibiotics. Once the issue has been resolved, the itching should stop.
Specific things to look out for include:
- Ear mites
- Dental issues (swelling, whining, discomfort when eating, loss of appetite, general grumpiness)
- Stings or irritated scratches on the face
- Eye inflammation (also known as Blepharitis)
If you see signs of these issues or other ones, make sure you talk to your vet as soon as possible. Meanwhile, try to stop your dog from rubbing its face.
Dog Scratching Neck Until Bleeding
Parasites like fleas and scabies would be on the top of the list when a dog is scratching itself until it bleeds. If proper treatment has been used and applied correctly this is not likely though.
In general, persistent scratching like this will be due to allergies. Skin irritation, such as contact dermatitis, is a second major issue. This may be caused if your dog has touched something like soap or pesticide. If you have recently washed your dog’s collar with strong soap, this could cause neck irritation.
Skin infections can be caused by a whole range of problems, such as allergies, hormone imbalances, and more. Talk to a vet if your pet seems to be having trouble with its skin. They should be able to find solutions.
Sometimes, a dog will scratch frantically at its neck as a result of boredom, so check that it is getting enough stimulation. This is especially important if it is alone a lot during the day. Provide enrichment activities and chew toys to distract it. These may help if your dog is feeling frustrated. Occasionally, scratching will become a compulsive behaviour, so make sure you address it.
In some cases, fleas or other biting insects will be sheltering under your dog’s collar. It is hard for the dog to get at them here, so it’s a good spot for them. This will cause concentrated irritation around your dog’s neck. Your dog might respond by scratching frantically to try to relieve the itch. Make sure you check under the collar for signs of irritation.
Dog Itching Worse At Night
There are a few reasons that your dog’s itchiness might seem worse at night. The first is that there is more focus on the itching, for both you and the dog. There are no other distractions that might make it less keen to scratch or you less aware of it. This may result in it seeming like your dog scratches endlessly.
Your dog might also scratch more at night if it is particularly warm. This makes skin conditions feel worse and can prompt scratching. Boredom-related scratching will be triggered, too.
It’s also possible that your dog’s itching is triggered by bedding, especially if it is allergic to a detergent. If it sleeps on your bed or you frequently wash its bedding, the chemicals in the detergent may make it itchy. Be aware of this and try swapping your detergent for a milder one. It may take time for this to have an effect.
Your dog may also be allergic to feathers, candles, deodorant, or other things in the bedroom. Try encouraging your dog to sleep in another room and see if its scratching decreases. Keeping the room cool may help.
My Dog Is So Itchy Neck And Chin But No Fleas
Fleas are not always visible as they jump off after they have bitten. Scabies is another parasite that you cannot see directly.
Is your dog constantly itching at its neck and chin? If you have already checked it for fleas, try taking its collar off. This may be rubbing the skin and causing irritation. It could also be trapping moisture, making skin conditions or fungal infections worse.
Remove the collar when your dog is in your home and see if this helps.
You can still use the collar when out and about, but consider choosing a different material. A lighter, more breathable collar may relieve the itching. It will increase the airflow and help to keep the skin drier. This might reduce the risk of fungal infections.
My Dog Is Itchy And Now I Am Too
If your dog’s itchiness seems to be affecting you as well, you might be very stressed. It is likely that the itching is caused by fleas or other biting insects. These may be hopping onto you and biting you, causing you to feel itchy. You should check your dog over for fleas, but also for skin mites.
If you find them, treat your dog and make sure you wash clothing, bedding, and other soft furnishings if possible. Non-washable items can be frozen. It often takes multiple treatments to get rid of an infestation. You may want to have your dog sleep in a separate room and minimize contact for a while.
You should also discuss possible solutions with your vet to ensure your pet is getting the treatment it needs.
Itchiness and chin-scratching can be caused by a whole range of problems. If your dog is permanently itchy, make sure you find out why. You can then take action to resolve the issue before it gets worse.
- https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/ss/slideshow-skin-problems-in-dogs
- https://pethelpful.com/dogs/dog-scratching-all-the-time
- https://sevneurology.com/blog/dog-constantly-scratching/
- https://www.vetdermclinic.com/signs-itchiness-dogs/
- https://wagwalking.com/symptom/why-is-my-dog-rubbing-his-face
- https://dogsfirst.ie/health-issues/itchy-dog-top-10-tips/
- https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/guide/dogs-and-compulsive-scratching-licking-and-chewing
- https://bikehike.org/why-cant-my-dog-stop-itching-at-night/