If you’re looking for home remedies for when your dog’s paws get red between the toes you’re in the right place. It’s no secret that dogs can get foot and paw problems if they aren’t cared for properly. The most common of these are mild irritations like dog paw itch, which causes some swelling, redness between toes, and discomfort.
While this isn’t serious in and of itself, it can be frustrating to the dog and his human companions alike – especially since there are a variety of dog paw itch home remedies you can try that can help your dog feel better fast!
How to Get Rid of Red Dog Paws
While people often wonder if their dog’s paws are normal, there are several situations that could lead to redness or swelling. These include reactions to external allergens (like fleas), internal issues (such as arthritis), or a health condition that requires immediate attention.
If your dog’s paws have been causing him discomfort for more than a few days, it’s probably time to bring him in for a vet visit. However, when symptoms arise from less urgent causes such as allergies or fungi growth, you can try home remedies to get his paws back on track.
One of our favourite natural treatments If your dog is suffering from paw inflammation due to an allergy is to consider switching him to a hypoallergenic diet. This means that you should avoid any ingredients that he has reacted poorly to in the past (e.g., beef, chicken, corn).
The goal is not only to relieve his immediate symptoms but also to prevent future flare-ups. You may be tempted to give your pup an antihistamine-and while these medications will certainly help with itching and swelling, they won’t address any underlying issues like allergies or infections. Instead of using human medicine, focus on getting rid of allergens by improving their diet.
If all else fails and redness persists despite home treatment efforts, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian ASAP! Your dog’s paws may be suffering from a serious condition that needs to be addressed by a professional.
Home Remedies For Red and Swollen Dog Paws
Have you ever noticed that your dog’s paws sometimes get really red? Or swollen? And they itch? This can be a result of allergies or just dryness. Either way, there are some home remedies you can use to relieve them. Here are some suggestions to try:
When your dog’s paws get red and swollen, it can become pretty uncomfortable for them. A good rule of thumb is to lubricate often. There are many products out there that you can use to lubricate their feet; Aquaphor is one option.
Other options include Bag Balm (which works well on cows) or Vaseline or even something as simple as coconut oil – that one seems to work pretty well! If you don’t have any of these at home, then olive oil will do in a pinch. Just rub it in between their toes and around their pads.
Dogs need moisturizing too!
You can also use lotion on your dog’s paws to help keep them from getting too dry. If you want to make sure that you don’t irritate your dog’s skin with whatever lotion product you choose, always test it first on an area where they won’t lick off easily like inside their ear or behind an ear flap before applying it anywhere else.
Brushing helps remove dead skin cells which may clog up pores causing irritation and inflammation. Using a soft-bristle brush or a rubber grooming glove is ideal. Start by brushing lightly and slowly moving toward harder pressure as your dog gets used to it.
Trimming nails
Keeping nails trimmed prevents them from snagging on fabrics, carpeting, etc., causing discomfort for dogs and possibly tearing into their nail beds resulting in bleeding. Some dogs tolerate having their nails trimmed better than others so take extra care if you notice him flinching when you trim his nails.
Also, remember not to cut too short because doing so can cause painful ingrown nails which are very difficult to treat later on. Use styptic powder after cutting nails to stop any bleeding. If you’re nervous about cutting your dog’s nails yourself, ask your vet or groomer to show you how.
Use a gentle shampoo and warm water to wash your dog’s paws daily if possible. Remember not to let soap remain on their paw pads for long periods of time as it can dry out those sensitive areas quickly. Dry thoroughly afterwards using either a blow dryer set on low heat or paper towels, depending upon how wet he got during washing.
Sprinkle cornstarch onto their paw pads once per week after bathing but prior to drying off completely with paper towels. The cornstarch will absorb moisture and prevent cracking. If you use dog boots, apply a thin layer of cornstarch to them once per week as well.
Vitamin E
Applying vitamin E oil to your dog’s paws can help alleviate redness and swelling. Put it on 2-3 times per day for optimal results.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is great for healing wounds and soothing irritated skin, making it a great natural remedy for your dog’s paws. Simply apply fresh aloe vera gel directly to their paws several times a day until they are healed.
Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is another natural remedy that you can use on your dog’s paws to reduce swelling and redness. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with an equal amount of aloe vera and apply to your dog’s paws. It should not be applied to broken skin or open wounds.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is another alternative you can use on your dog’s paws to reduce swelling and redness. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with an equal amount of aloe vera and apply to your dog’s paws. Don’t apply the ointment to cuts or breaks in the skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another alternative you can use on your dog’s paws to reduce swelling and redness. Mix a few drops of apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of aloe vera and apply to your dog’s paws. These pads should not be applied to open wounds or bleeding skin.
Home Remedies for Red Dog Paws
Treating red dog paws can sometimes be tricky because there are a lot of different causes of these symptoms. There are home remedies you can try before getting to more serious treatments.
The first place you should look is between your dog’s footpads. If it seems like there is something stuck between them or causing them to be raw then I would start by cleaning that area and making sure it heals before going on with other home remedies.
Bacteria may be creating an infection that needs to be treated first with medications from your vet. Sometimes dogs get allergies which will cause their paws to become irritated as well as red.
Epsom Salt
One home remedy is to soak your dog’s paws in Epsom salt. This is something you can do a few times a week or as needed to relieve pain and inflammation. Another home remedy is baking soda mixed with water. The Epsom salt will help soothe their paws while they are soaking in it.
Olive Oil
You can also try olive oil which has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve irritation and redness from skin problems such as allergies, infections, and hot spots.
What Can I Give My Dog For Red Paws?
You might be wondering if there are any options for using over-the-counter treatments or prescription medications. While some dogs tolerate medications well and others can’t tolerate anything at all, many dog owners are looking for alternative ways to treat their pet’s paw problems.
Fortunately, there are several home remedies you can try that should have similar results. Here are a few things you can do:
1. Soak his or her paws in Epsom salt
Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, which helps reduce inflammation in your pet’s paws. Magnesium also works as a natural pain reliever, so it may help relieve some of your pup’s discomfort while he heals.
Add one cup of Epsom salt to his bathwater (enough to cover his paws) and let him soak for about 15 minutes before rinsing off with cool water. Take care not to use it more than once a day. too much magnesium can cause diarrhoea in dogs, which will only worsen their discomfort!
2. Coconut oil and olive oil
These oils are both great moisturizers that can help hydrate your dog’s paws and keep them from cracking or drying out. Massage a few drops into each paw daily until you see improvement, then switch to using it every other day after that.
3. Give him some apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is also a natural pain reliever, so it may be able to reduce some of his discomforts while he heals. Mix one part vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle and give him an application twice per day for about two weeks.
4. Add essential oils to his food
Essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, and rosemary can all help reduce inflammation in dogs (and humans)!
Add 10-15 drops of any of these essential oils to his meal once per day while he heals.
If all else fails then you should talk to your vet about other treatments that may be available for your dog’s specific symptoms. Treatment varies depending on what is causing their paws to become red and irritated so it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis first before starting any treatment plan.
If Nothing Works
If your dog’s paws are red, itchy, or swollen between his toes-and if you’ve ruled out any medical conditions that might be causing these symptoms then it’s probably a good idea to look into what sort of environmental irritants he or she may be exposed to. One obvious culprit is allergies.
The symptoms of allergies in dogs aren’t limited to hives or itchiness; they can also present themselves in more subtle ways like paw swelling. Dogs with allergies will generally lick their paws (and sometimes other parts of their bodies) frequently to alleviate their discomfort.
But licking is no substitute for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan-so if your dog’s paws are red, itchy, or swollen between his toes, it’s best to have him checked out by a vet as soon as possible.