Coming home to your pet after a long and tiring day is the best feeling. Enjoying time with your pet, such as a puppy, strikes a chord of peaceful and enjoyable feeling. However, as you go to bed to rest, puppies choose to curl up with you on your bed or pillow. Many dog owners have been wondering why puppy wont sleep unless next to me. This article explores why a puppy always wants to curl in your pillow or bed. You’ll also learn about the stepwise plan to make the puppy sleep on its bed.
The possible reasons for the puppy not sleeping unless close to you include; sleeping next to you or curling in your pillows, making them feel safer, enhancing their protectiveness, or seeking rewards for doing so. Furthermore, sleeping next to you relieve the puppy’s separation anxiety, or they are being affectionate.
Why Does My Puppy Need to Sleep Next to Me?
Most puppy finds it fun and safe to sleep next to you or close family members. Below are the primary reasons why your dog won’t sleep until next to you:
It’s seeking affection
Most puppies or dogs usually want to show their owners affection. Sleeping next to you is the best way the dog will show affection. Most puppies will rub their stomach ans lay their body or head against yours to show affection.
Separation anxiety
Separation is another common reason your puppy prefers laying next to you. The pet will lie or curl with you in your bed to know the time you’re leaving. Puppies will show signs of anxiousness when you’re leaving, making them want to spend the most time with you.
Want to protect you
Dogs are pack and protective animals. Thus, most of them prefer sleeping or curling with you on the pillows to protect and watch over you.
Makes them feel safe
Dogs or puppies would sleep or curl with you in your beds to get more confident and secure due to your presence. Studies show that puppies will follow their owners, as they trust you to keep them safe.
Seeking comfort and warmth
Comfort and warmth is vital for dogs to stay healthier. Most puppies will want to curl with you in your blankets to get warmth and comfort, especially in the cold winter months. Due to the different coat textures, the puppies might require varying levels of warmth.
Showing love
Experts reveal that when a dog sleeps next to or with you is a show of love. These pests feel safe when next to you, want to transit their affection to you, and love your warmth. Sleeping next to you or curling in your pillows is the greatest demonstration of love.
Why Does My Dog Have to be Touching Me When He Sleeps?
Besides sleeping next to you, have ever noticed that the puppy must touch you when sleeping? You may be asking yourself why the puppy must touch you when sleeping. Let’s look at the reasons why the puppy has to touch you while sleeping:
Most pets, especially dogs, are attention-seeking animals. While sleeping, these animals will touch you to seek your attention. Experts reveal that puppies will touch you to seek attention if you don’t accord them more attention.
Protective instincts
Most dogs would want to be protective of their guardians or owner. Thus, puppies or dogs will touch you when sleeping to offer protection and defense against impending danger.
Feeling safe and comfortable
Being pack animals, dogs will only feel safe and secure when in a group. Thus, these pests will sleep next to you and touch you to make them feel less vulnerable and protected.
Separation anxiety
Your dog will always develop separation anxiety after establishing a good relationship or attachment with you. Thus, the puppies might feel anxious when you’re leaving. Most puppies will have to touch you to relieve their separation anxiety.
Why Do You Do If Your Dog Won’t Sleep Alone?
Sometimes you may feel uncomfortable when having the puppy next to you when relaxing or sleeping. However, it’s not wise to ignore the dog or puppy when it starts acting this way. You can place it in a crate beside your bed to keep it close to you. Furthermore, you can provide some treats, such as cream cheese, in the crate to keep it lively. If the pet insists on sleeping next to you, it’ll be advisable to consider the down-stay command to keep it off the bed.
How Can I Get My Puppy to Sleep on His Own? (Step-by-Step Action Plan)
Most puppies aren’t used to sleeping on their own, as they have kept snoozing alongside other puppies or mothers. Despite the affection and protection, they show by sleeping next to you, it may be a traumatizing experience. Thus, it’ll be vital to seek an appropriate action plan for these pets to sleep on their own. Below is a stepwise clicker method to get the puppy to sleep on its own:
Step 1. Introduce the bed
You can start by introducing the puppy or dog to his bed where you want it to sleep. Ensure the locations and bedding makes the pet comfortable.
Step 2. Pat bed
You can pat bed the dog to encourage it to get on the bedding. You can provide treats and verbal praises or excitement to keep the puppy on the bed. Patting the puppy will invoke a feeling of enthusiasm for the bed.
Step 3. Command up
You can also talk up the pet’s bed with a command. For instance, you can say “this is the place you’ll be going to bed.” Ensure that you say the phrase often for the dog to associate it with sleeping in the specific location.
Step 4. Nap time
Encourage your dog or puppy to sleep on and relax on the bedding during the day. Remember, you can also walk the pet from the nap to walk him around his bed. Ensure that you reward or treat even while having daytime naps.
Step 5. Bedtime
Remember to use commanding language as you walk the dog to the bedding. You can also provide the puppy with a treat before telling the dog goodnight.
Step 6. Redirect
Sometimes puppies may be stubborn, making them leave their beds frequently. You have to use commanding language before walking the pet to the bed if it leaves the bed. Consider repairing or relocating the bed if your puppy doesn’t seem comfortable with the location.
Do Puppies Grow Out of Separation Anxiety?
Most puppies are less likely to get or grow out of the different separation anxiety. Unless you get professional management, the anxiety level usually increases. Thus, it’ll be wise to begging separation anxiety management earlier to prevent it from escalating to uncontrollable levels. You can invest in a dog daycare or pet sitter to get these parts from the anxiety.
Bottom Line
Most puppies or dogs usually love sleeping next to you or curling on your pillows. Sleeping next to your dog shows more affection, provides comfort and makes the puppy feel safe. However, you may find it daunting or disturbing for the puppy to be always sleeping by your side. Above is a comprehensive guide on why puppy love curling in your pillows or bed and a stepwise procedure on getting the puppy to sleep on its own.