Flea & tick allergies – Best practices for prevention and safe treatment for your dog

Looking for a safe flea and tick preventative? Know where to get recommendations and what to look for to keep your dog in good health.
... a peace of my heart belongs to an allergies worrier
... a peace of my heart belongs to an allergies worrier
Looking for a safe flea and tick preventative? Know where to get recommendations and what to look for to keep your dog in good health.
Allergies in dogs can be just as frustrating as they are in humans. However, there are several effective treatment options available, including allergy injections for dogs. This powerful remedy can provide relief for your dog and, in some circumstances, cure…
Choosing the best dog for dogs with allergies is paramount in the management of the disease. If you have a dog that constantly scratches, licks its paws, or has ear infections, it could be due to an allergy. While many…
Wishing your dog’s allergies go away is normal. There are many reasons why a dog might be allergic to something. They could have sensitive skin and immune systems, which means they’re more likely than other breeds of dogs to develop…
As a vet, I know having an allergic dog with a sensitive stomach makes you more careful, but exactly how for a dog with a food allergy, how long after eating will the symptoms show up?